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Water chemistry - wish it was more stable

Both tanks are continuing to do well without B-Ionic, but my every-other-day dosing of the two Seachem pH/Calcium buffers seems pretty haphazard. Both tanks have high Alkalinity now (14 and 15dKH) and high Calcium (460 and 470ppm), but the livestock seems fine.

The main BTA seems to be moving closer to itself, instead of trying to tear itself in half yet again. In the next few days I'll see what it finally decided upon.


Oceanic Salt mix - did some testing

  • salt-mix-hdr

I tested out the new salt Oceanic is producing now. They'd mailed me a trial sample to make 5 gallons. Adding the entire amount to exactly 5 gallons of water, I let it mix for an hour. It was clear within 5 minutes, and dissolved completely. For 30 more minutes I aerated it by raising the hose the pump was connected to, to pound the surface of the water. These were the results.


Chemi-Clean works like promised

  • 29sceneweb

Chemi Clean works! I've always avoided using chemicals to remove problems, but the cyano bacteria simply would not go away entirely. I'd lost a couple of frags to this algae, and done all the normal things to avoid fueling it any more. I cleaned the skimmer regularly, used a turkey baster to blow off the stuff anywhere I saw it, and even siphoned out what I could see on the DSB and rockwork.

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