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Visiting a TOTM candidate

Today, Robert (a DFWMAS member) and I drove down to Houston to attend Eric Borneman's Coral Identification workshop. We arrived late but got to see how corals are measured, studied and then classified until you can determine its name. Surprisingly, it is very tough to label many SPS and LPS corals accurately. He will be coming up in April to do the same workshop for our club, and I can't wait.



  • grave

'm back from Switzerland. The funeral was beautifully handled, and spending time with family was the best thing I could have done. The reef tank looks like it did fine without my presence. Thank you Steve (TCU_reefer) and Frank ( for looking after the system while I was out of town. You both did an excellent job and allowed me to focus on important family matters for the past week.


Mon, 08/21/2006 - 03:04

As you visit my site, you'll start to notice the new look that is being incorporated as time permits. I do hope you'll like the new look as well as the navigational feature in the left column. Page addresses won't necessarily change, especially the more popular ones.

My goal is to arrange topics into themes, and hopefully I'll be able to follow that plan throughout the site.

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