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That was odd.

My 29g had a strange event occur. As you may have read, my BTA split about a month ago approximately. Then about a week ago another little guy split off as well. I didn't bother trying to feed it because it was tucked away and frankly, I didn't see a mouth and figured it would perk up when ready. Apparently I waited too long.

Yesterday, the little guy was hanging upside down in that crevice, very deflated and with only one or two points of the foot still attached like strings. I thought it might be releasing to find a better spot, but still I pushed in some of prepared food that is quite pureed. The little guy didn't appear to want any of it, and within 6 hours it dissolved like cotton candy. I've never seen anything like it. In the meantime I've fed both BTAs two days in a row to prevent any further unique experiences!

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