Southern California

April 2 - 6, 2008: As soon as I received my invitation to speak at the Marine Aquarium Expo in Orange County, I quickly decided to arrive a few days early to check out what SoCal had to offer. Even with my camera breaking by the end of Day Two, I still found a way to enjoy my trip immensely. Brandishing a borrowed Sony camera for the rest of my trip, I ended up coming home with over 800 images total. Below are links to the various places I visited during my stay, and I hope you will not only enjoy the summation but feel the motivation to make the trip yourself one day.


Wednesday, April 2

Visit -- Amazing Aquarium & Reefs, and Bergzy's reef tank

We next headed over to Bergzy's home to see his tank, but due to timing issues, he suggested we just drive to Ali's store instead. I don't have a store front picture, as I knew he was watching for anyone with a camera. The store's name is Amazing Aquariums And Reefs.



I really love this piece for some reason.

Ali told me they built a few tanks one night.

The seam was perfect, I was just trying to give you a sense of scale with my hand in the shot.

I love reflection shots, so here are two:

This is some wierd popular spotted anthias, name forgotten.

Ooh, tunicates.

The only thing Ali let me down about was his skimmer collection cups. I can't believe they weren't clean when I walked in. LOL

As we left, I noticed the price of gas on 4/02. In DFW, it is about .30 cheaper.

Bergzy showed up at Ali's and we followed him over to his house.

This piece has tons of potential.

After that, we headed home for the night. So ended Wednesday.

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