Southern California

April 2 - 6, 2008: As soon as I received my invitation to speak at the Marine Aquarium Expo in Orange County, I quickly decided to arrive a few days early to check out what SoCal had to offer. Even with my camera breaking by the end of Day Two, I still found a way to enjoy my trip immensely. Brandishing a borrowed Sony camera for the rest of my trip, I ended up coming home with over 800 images total. Below are links to the various places I visited during my stay, and I hope you will not only enjoy the summation but feel the motivation to make the trip yourself one day.

Each day is documented with various pages, which you can access individually below or by clicking "Next" to move to the subsequent destination, reliving the trip the way I experienced it. My trip included visiting several local fish stores in SoCal, two wholesalers, several reef tanks (belonging to people I know from, an awesome outdoor 600g propagation tank, some very brief poker playing, and the MAX conference in Orange County.

Wednesday, April 2

Part A: Arrival at John Wayne Airport, vist Jeff's Exotic Fish, OC Tropical Fish,
Part B: Amazing Aquarium & Reefs, and Bergzy's reef tank

Thursday, April 3

Part A: Acrylic World, Pacific Reef Tropical Fish store,
Part B: Tongs,
Part C: Sea Dwelling Creatures (wholesaler)

Friday, April 4

Part A: Hugo Zuniga (snipersps), Kenny Hsi (pookstreet), Tim Baker (reefpig),
Part B: Greg Carroll (gcarroll), Richard McKellips (wishntoboutside),
Part C: Mark Trimble, Jose Casas (JOSECASAS), poker at Ali's store

Saturday April 5

MAX Conference Day 1
600g backyar outdoor progation system,

Sunday, April 6

MAX Conference Day 2,
11 minute video from Conference