Crown Conch - an Interesting Sand Sifter

About 8 months ago (8/11/03), I was given this Conch by a club member. He hand-carried it from Florida, along with some other critters he'd caught. I took a couple of pictures after putting it into my refugium, and never saw it again for months! The reason this is interesting is because the sandbed is barely 2" deep, and this creature's shell is about that tall. How could it hide?!

Two months ago, I replaced my old refugium with a new one, and while transferring the sand, I found the Crown Conch alive and well, much to my surprise. At best, I'd hoped to find the shell because there was no escape for a creature of this size. In the new home, it quickly buried itself completely, and occasionally I'd be able to recognize his camoflaged 'snorkel' peeking up out of the sandy substrate.

Suddenly, he appeared again and seemed quite active. I'm not sure what it was that brought him out into the open, but I took a bunch of pictures while I could!

The following 8 pictures are of it stretching up and turning 180 degrees:


Here is the rear-view of the shell. It is unlike the Queen or Fighting Conch shells.

This is the foot of the creature. When it travels over the sand, it resembles a hovercraft as it glides forward effortlessly.


Above, the Conch is interested in that vertical piece of algae, and 'smelled' it for a couple of minutes.


Suddenly, it decided to hike right over that prickly mass of rubble, rather than to go around it on the smoother surface.

A very interesting creature indeed! In my opinion, it is a fine addition to a refugium, and is a safe choice.

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